Hey guys, sorry I've been a little MIA lately. It has been a bitch to steal internet from element n it takes forever to boot up once it is plugged into our actual modem. A-nnoy-ing. Anyway, besides that I have been feeling quite zen lately. I have been doing yoga for the past week and it has been phenomenal. I feel so much more stress-free, flexible, and just all around open. I have to get my act together a little bit and start doing it at normal hours though. Lately, I have been starting the video around 12 a.m. (stupid, i know) and I stop after an hour. Although I will say it completely relaxes me to fall asleep quicker. I was always one of those who would lay in bed for hours and could not get my brain to slow down enough to actually fall asleep. With an hour of breathing exercises, "relaxed eyes" and stretches under my belt I fall asleep pretty quick.
A few weeks ago I saw on Groupon that there was a coupon for Bikrim Yoga for a month of unlimited classes with a small fee. I called up Meggie to let her know, bc a friend in class is always a plus and was an opportunity to good to pass up. So we both bought it and have yet to us it lol. Hopefully this week we will start. But I will say this, I do think it was good that I was able to learn a few of the basics so I didn't look like a complete fool in class. Plus in bikrim its like 100 degree sauna, ones gotta prep for that!
Another funny thing about this whole experience is that when I am in my place of zen, Suri always likes to watch me as I am doing this. When I switch positions she always has to sniff it out, or in this case (downward dog) she likes to hump her baby beneath me. She's hilarious and adorable all at once. All in all, I highly suggest yoga if you have sleeping problems, sore muscles, achy back, or a cute pompoo that wants attention.

Just a lil baby Suri making sure I knew that she was on my mat. lol.
The Zen,