Wednesday, January 12, 2011

1 year ago..

I can't believe it has already been a year since Haiti was hit with the devastating earthquake. Throughout the year I would receive emails stating the progress and recovery of the victims. It is truly a wonderful feeling knowing that I was part of the recovery process. I know that there is still tons of work to be done but for now I feel as if we are on the right path. Here is an email I received today from the president of this organization I have been working with in order to restore normalcy to Haiti.


Thank you.

On January 12 one year ago, the lives of millions of Haitians changed forever. In the aftermath of the earthquake, tens of thousands of supporters like you sprang into action, allowing Oxfam to implement a swift response that continues today.

But that was just the beginning. From the flooding in Pakistan to the devastating oil spill in the Gulf Coast, we were there.

This year, we expanded our dynamic Saving for Change program and reached nearly 320,000 people in Mali. Our work enabled farmers in East Asia to achieve higher yields with fewer seeds and less water. Oxfam's efforts contributed to victories in the Salvadoran legislature – which passed a new law criminalizing violence against women – and in the Peruvian Congress, which enacted a citizen consultation law supporting indigenous rights. In the US, we achieved a major win after three years of hard work with the passage of oil, gas, and mining transparency legislation.

As the New Year begins I want to congratulate you on your achievements in 2010. You made these accomplishments possible. The progress we make is a testament to the potential of a movement that is fueled by your commitment. Imagine what we can achieve together in 2011.


Raymond C. Offenheiser
Oxfam America

Our work is still not done but we must congratulate one and other for coming together for our brothers and sisters who are in need. If you would like to know more about the progress of Haiti's recovery click here for the official Oxfam America "Haiti Progress Report 2010". Also, here is the site for donations. Remember, Every bit counts!

Peace and Love,

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