Monday, October 5, 2009


How creepy is this pic.. haha I love it although we do NOT eat lard(pause?). Friday was mine and Jim's 4 year Anniver-SURI!! <3 To celebrate our love we went to the doctor YAY! haha We really did go to doc but that is because I couldn't get another date in. AnyWHOooo on our ride back we knew we were gonna be stuck in traffic and then we saw a sign for the Meeker St. Fair in Willyburg.. I said "Oh MAN, I really wanted to go to that!" and Jim was like "let's go!" So I abruptly turned the wheel and got off the exit. I was so excited that we were actually going I forgot to think of where we were and then I got us a lil' lost.. So we didn't actually make the street fair but we did walk on Bedford Ave. which is amaze. So many cute shops. So as we are walking to my surprise I see Christian Siriano can we say FIERCCCEEEE!! He is so cute and little I just want to put him in my pocket and save him for a rainy day! He said he was up until 4 in the morning working on some of his collection (Cant wait to see the final products..EeeePPP!)

So as we were walking and shop hoping I was starting to feel a bit frustrated that I wasn't finding anything extremely special that I felt was worthy of being in my wardrobe. Until... I found "Malin Landaeus" which carries select Vintage Collections. I cant even begin to tell you the excitement that was flowing through my veins! I felt like I was in my grandma and mom's closet and that to me, made it feel 10x's better! Blazers and Rompers and Oxford Boots OH MY! It was pure heaven! So I ended up walking out of there with 2 beautiful vintage dresses and a beautiful vintage navy leather belt (thanks to my boo<3). The owner was so sweet and considerate, she should be a motivational speaker bc when I left I was so inspired to dream big and never fear the future. So thank you for letting me add some more extremely rare and unique pieces to my wardrobe and thank you for the inspiration! To check out her site go to It’s a modest boutique, one that you could walk the extent of in just a few paces, but Landaeus has packed it full of gems. Clothes from labels like Prada, Lanvin, and lesser-known Swedish designers hang from her racks. Heels and boots in hard-to-find sizes sit in neat rows in the space along the floor. Everything carries realistic price tags, a definite surprise from many of New York’s vintage stores. If you know to ask (which you do now), Landaeus also keeps a closet of impeccably tailored Finnish gowns that she will rent out for special occasions. “I’m done with the whole glossy, everything’s the same, where you have policies and stuff,” Landaeus says, “I don’t have a counter. I have this couch. Let’s have fun, dress up, play.” <-- How FABULOUS is that!

To complete the night we went to Blockbuster, order some pizza and spent some quality time with the couch and our baby Sur-Sur. It was actually her annver-Suri too. We adopted her 3 years ago.. and it has been nothing but bliss! Thank you for being born babycute!! Mommy and Daddy love you!



    Happy AnniverSuri! :)


  2. YES He WwwAAAAAAAaaSSSS!! I was so freakin' excited, I cant even.


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