Saturday, October 23, 2010


Soooo.. what do you guys think? huh? huh? you like it right? Isn't it glorious? I owe all my thanks to the wonderfully talented Miss Laura Jean! I gave her a few ideas of what I wanted and she completed the task and went above and beyond my expectations. She is a true creative, talented, beautiful Superwoman! Thank you LJ for all you do and your amazing digi stylez skills. ::Applause Please::

In regards to today, the new layout might have been the only good thing about it. I woke up with horrible cramps and nauseousness. I haven't been hit this hard for a couple of months and boy am I grateful for that. Anyway, my day consisted of squirming on the couch next to a bottle of alieve and a heating pad. I past out around 3 and woke up around 7 to Harry Potter (yes, literally.. he was laying on the couch spooning me and suri.) I have never seen any of the potter movie's which is absolutely absurd, I know. I read the first book and really liked it but that was of course years ago so I don't really remember anything. As I was half waking up and half still intoxicated from the handfull of alieve I took earlier I was like wow this shit is nuts! I can't stop watching it and now I want to see every one! Oh and there are so many gingers in it I feel at home ;) I soooo am a distant relative of the Weasley's! All this potterness reminded me of the beautiful LJ because I do believe I slept on her Harry Potter pillow case while Charles and I were having a sleeepover ;)

(The famously adorably cute Sir Charles chillen next to the Harry Potter pillow :)

( LJ and I at a Casmik event a few weeks back. Every pic we have we are laughing hysterical.. that's true friendship right there folks ;)

Hoping tomorrow will be a better day..


  1. LJ POTTER!!!! That is the BEST ❤

    You are crazy for being late to the game on these movies - they are BANANAS. Have you seen the trailer for the new one?!?! 2 PARTS. EPIC.

    P.S: you look really good over here ;)


  2. LJ Rules! and so does the Brooklynista =)

  3. Great layout, You ladies got some style!

  4. Thank you.. thank you.. thank you!! :)


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